My dad has always kindly reminded me, if there is one thing in life I can always count on, it's that things will continue to change...
... and wow, 2023 sure brought nothing but continued change in my world!
We started last year in the quiet of winter in 'our new to us' little home, doing lots reno's to make it our own, unboxing packages arriving with sweet newborn goodies and soaking up the last of life before a little baby made her appearance. After welcoming our miracle, it was navigating all that was and is motherhood, breastfeeding and new parenting. Going back to work that summer when she was 4.5 months old, and attempting (lol) to navigate being a first time, stay a home, but also working and business owning mom...
You know those inflatable wacky waving arm tube men?
It's me! lol.
I laugh, but it really has been beautiful... and messy ha. Great and exhausting. Oh, challenging and incredible and magical, and frustrating and taxing and beyond joyful... you know? Motherhood really is all* the feelings, sometimes all at once haha. It's a love like no other, something I couldn't understand until I became a mother myself and something I still can't put into words and likely never will be able to.
That all being said, this little girl has reignited my love and passion for photography... after all, she's the reason it all began in a round-about way.
So, what does 2024 has in store for Jennifer Leigh Photography? Becoming a parent not only solidified what my dad has said about change, but also introduced me to the hard and fast fact that once you become a parent, time passes 2-3x faster than life pre-children?! Ya, I wasn't ready for that!
What I do know is that, I want to continue to be ever present with my daughter, because frankly... this 'babies don't keep' thing was no lie and is happening much, much to fast - and I've got more thoughts in a post coming just about that haha. Hello there, mom guilt. *side eye*. AND I also want to continue to share my passion, my love and my joy of photography with you all! I am feeling pulled towards creating simple, timeliness and beautiful sets in my studio work, styled sessions for sitters through child-ages both in studio and outdoors using some of my most treasured props, and as always, capturing your sweet, sweet newborns and fun family sessions. Oh ps: to be honest, I would love to capture a few fresh 48 sessions and possible birth - two areas I have quietly captured for years and have always loved - but do 100x more now... so let's chat!?
Until next time - thank you for being here and please enjoy my little lucky Penny being my sweet muse in studio with her most favourite bunbun. And of course, if you're interested in a 2024 session, you can find some collection information here and if you'd like to get in touch, just head here!