What's better,
than a return client? Honestly, not much! *insert teary eyed face here*.
Simply put, it's special.
Being trusted again and again with precious memories.
Building relationships with not only you but your littles.
Being apart of your journeys and capturing glimpses into what make you all, you!
... I could go on, but I think you get it.
So without anymore words to get us there, onto what you all came here to see.. a beautiful newborn session! Please welcome the most handsome, Warrick, to the world.

Sleep was...
totally overrated, according to Warrick the day of our session, he was here to visit (party lol) and that was A-OK with me haha. Mom and I got to hang out for most of the afternoon (and it was a long overdue visit, so really, thank yooou buddy!)
Sincerely though, it's times like this that I extra appreciate a few things about my business, both for you, the client and for me your photographer.
1) That I never schedule more than 1 newborn session a day. Why? Well this is a great example - we can set up all the conditions perfectly and sometimes little ones just, aren't feeling it - and that's totally fine! We adjust and go with the flow. Just a note, the average time for all custom full size* newborn sessions are 2-3 hours.
2) That I have a comfy and laid back home studio, with a hang out area just for you (in studio). Where you can relax, snack, nap or watch netflix for hours haha (diaper duty is on me!) There is never a rush.
3) That even when little ones have their own game plan for our session - there is no change in the beauty of your newborn galleries. I mean, look at some of these sweet awake photos below!

... and while I love his entire gallery, I will leave you with, my absolute favourite.